Psychology and Aging

“Can Psychologists have some intervention in the challenges posed by aging?

YES they can. These technicians have training and theoretical-practical scientific knowledge about behaviors, cognitive aspects, and the psychological and social impact throughout life.

In this way the psychologist can help to:

– Inform the elderly population about the aging process and its consequences;

– Facilitate the participation of the elderly in the collective life of society;

– Develop programs that encourage active aging and reach the maximum potential of each person during old age;

– Develop programs for the prevention and promotion of Psychological Health in old age;

– Intervention in Psychological Health problems in old age such as Depression and Anxiety;

– Intervention in dementia processes and changes in lifestyle and behavior associated with them;

– Loss and grief processes;

– Adjustment and adaptation to age-related changes and stress factors.

The psychologist’s skills are: Clinical interview, observation of behavior, application of psychological tests to assess mental and cognitive functioning (when warranted); assessment of functional and decision-making abilities, risk assessment (eg elder abuse, suicidal ideation); individual and family psychotherapy; psychological health promotion; intervention in different contexts.”

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