Cuidar e Viver – Physiotherapy

“The balance of the age pyramid has long been reversed, both in a national and global context. The role of the elderly in society gains dimension as the average life expectancy increases and health care makes it possible to age longer and better. Today’s adult recognizes the possibility of living over 100 years old, but the quality of health with which one lives and ages is a factor of concern. Informed choices of health promotion and disease prevention strategies are often adopted by individuals with a critical mindset and an active role.

As a consequence of the main biological changes that occur during the aging process – the decrease in muscle mass and bone density, loss of muscle strength, loss of agility, motor coordination, balance, joint mobility – the elderly are more vulnerable to falls, which are the main cause of complications and can be fatal. Thus, physiotherapy is a fundamental part for the elderly, having therapeutic resources available for the purpose of maintaining the autonomy and functional independence of the elderly, contributing to healthy and active aging.

Physiotherapy applied to the health of the elderly aims at prevention and maintenance, being fundamental for the elderly, as it has specific therapeutic strategies for the maintenance of independence and functional autonomy. On the other hand, physiotherapy also acts in the recovery of the consequences of falls, such as fractures and pain, orthopedic postoperative (such as hip or knee prostheses), arthrosis and other joint pathologies and immobility syndromes. Teaching and education is also promoted, to the user and their families, on how to carry out, for example, transfers and positioning, which postures to adopt and what training for activities of daily living.”


Physiotherapist Maria da Conceição da Costa Barbosa Freitas, Professional Card No. 649 of the Order of Physiotherapists

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